27 November, 2010

Stressed? Nah, I Just Like Dreaming About Fears......

It's only recently that the nice dreams have ended. Now I either cant remeber them at all or like last night, they play on some fears... They also tend to have multiple setting yet all reflect my current worries and fears. Last night they were 3 main stories that I remember too well.

1- Watching my mother eat mouldy bread as they can't afford a fresh loaf
2- Being told to climb an unsteady up a steep mountainside with a massive drop under the ladder
3- Handing in important essays just before the deadline to discover they aren't even finished

I don't like this so far...

Go figure... I'm stressed out and worried.... I'm also a freak


23 November, 2010

And the fuse begins to shorten. It can't be stopped, quickened or slowed down. It's not certain when it'll blow. But what is certain is that I'm scared of it. It ends up hurting me but also others around me, which hurts even more. 

I'm scared of the outcome of this one...


21 November, 2010


"...Im growing so disturbed, Nothing makes sense to me anymore, Im learning to resist, Becoming more than you ever were, Cant explain, whats come over me (come over me), Cant explain, why its so hard for me, So hard to see your side..."

I feel so torn right now, I'm confused and I'm not sure about anything anymore. I hate this state I'm in.It hurt and is distracting me from reality...

Well at least uni's going alright...
