22 February, 2011

Let the Good Times Roll!

"Last week was Valentine's Day. My boyfriend and I go to college far away from each other. He sent me a card. In the card he wrote "I love you more than these chocolates are delicious. I hope you enjoy them." so.....mr/mrs. mail carrier how delicious were MY chocolates? MLIA"

wow. It's been a while since I've been on here! I feel kinda bad for abandoning you for so long, but then I guess it means you can recover hahahahah. I would give excuses but you'd think them lame. They're mainly, I have been so busy doing work (I have a rediculous number of deadlines at the mo) or I havn't been spending may evening at my flat. Instead I've been spending many an eve with my gorgeous beau. Bless him ^^ Its lush though, since being with him, I feel so much happier, more carefree and secure. He makes me feel safe :) I realise that this will be completely new news!

Ahh tis so exciting ^^ I havn't felt like this in a while - it's so different to before. I like that, I really do :) I was worried at the beginning thinking, hoping, that this wouldn't be a fleeting thing. It doesn't feel like it at all. I love this feeling. I feel so safe around him, even falling asleep, it feels right and just, well, damn awesome. There I was thinking, this would never happen to me. Ever. I'm glad he has given me a chance. He also gave me a massive chance with the rents. That was a bit of a huge leap lol. Two meals and a weekend later, all was well, new alliances made, worries left behind. Laughter brings all together.

Good things happen after a great fall.


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