20 March, 2011


Hey Baby

Thought I would write you a letter cause, as you said earlier, I have a "large case of word vomit". That is probably because I have barely spoken to you all week. I know you said to take it slow, but how slow is slow? Is this slow enough? The barely talking, the barely seeing each other? I was told that I shouldnt be missing you, but you should be missing me instead. I guess I'm just scared that you haven't been missing me at all. Even when you've come back today, you have barely speoken to me, it's pretty much been a week since I have been around you properly without other people. I don't know what I'm doing anymore. I am such a mess at the mo, but it would kill me if I lost you. I'm an idiot I know. I guess it's nice to be noticed and looked after sometimes. I try and be there for you, but right now I need you. I'm just scared to ask for help. That would just make me look helpless and clingy.

I Love You


Dear "friends"

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend by the beach. It was great to be invited! HA. Yeah, like you would invite someone who you don't actually like, just pretend to for the sake of the group. It's nice to be ignored, only getting invited to stuff if K of le bf are also coming and they ask me. It's nice to be stabbed in the back sometimes. I really do appreciate it. Here's hoping sometime, you will know what this feels like. I know that I have been a bit bitchy recently, but that was aimed at one girl. Apparently you lot got annoyed at the stuff I had been saying. I was not the only one that was saying though was I? Oh sorry don't you remember joining in too? We have now sorted this out and have moved on. Maybe it is time you do to. It's time for you to grow the fuck up. If you have a problem with me then tell me. Don't fucking ignore me.

Hope you are happy with yourselves


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