10 July, 2010

My leg is now free from its prison, now will my mind follow suit...

"...Life is a rollercoaster, just gotta ride it..."

Recieved the best news concievable yesterday. My metatarsal has now fully healed and the stupid cast could be taken off for good, the bone graft had worked (about freaking time too!). After 3 solid months of my leg being immobalised in a cast, my leg is now free to feel the soft caress of the sun and and the slender fingers of the wind. Freedom has never tasted so good. You know what the great thing is? I feel much better as well. It's like, finally the butterfly has emerged from it's cocoon, leaving its previous life behind. Not that I'm comparing myself to a butterfly mind you, I mean I am, I'm just no way near as pretty or as gracefull. I just think that maybe things can really start going up and moving on for me now... Well lets hope that nothing else happens that will land me in another cast *touch wood*

And so thinking that things may finally be looking up, I was really looking forward to a hammer session I was to be taking today, with a specialised hammer coach (who was also a good friend and so I called in a favour). So I checked monday whether the tarck was free, made sure that the right people knew by wednesday what was happening today, sent e-ails and texts to all, him included, and only 2 people showed up. At least 4 others showed interest, including the hammer coach, M. Well not even M showed up. I received no text or phone call indicating his possible absence and so I had to take the session myself. I wanted to, but I'm not very good at hammer and so am not very confident in my teaching of it. Well, there isn't much I can say to that, other than I'm pissed that he didn't say anything to me and that to be fair, hasn't really helped to improve my faith and trust in men. *sigh* Fricking guys.. Sometimes I don't know why I bother... Grr... Not best pleased...

I guess life really is like a rollercoaster. I mean the initial journey up is slow but the view is a beautiful one. Then suddenly your taken down, with little or no explaination, other that it was going to happen eventually.. After the drop, you may climb up again slowly, or you may be led onto a series of twists, turns, corkscrews... None of it is expected, yet if you do see it coming then there is nothing you can do about it other than to brace yourself. Yes, it is an unpredictable and sometimes scary ride, but the thrill you get sometimes can not be compared. Damn the consequences and get on that ride, don't stand by the side looking up at it, as that way you will never find out what it is really like. Loosen your hair, and put your hands in the air like you just don't care...


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