03 July, 2010

"Reach for the stars, climb every mountain higher..."

"...Let's jump upon the sharp swords, And cut away our smiles,Without the threat of death, There's no reason to live at all, My world is unaffected, there is an exit here, I say it is and then it's true, There is a dream inside a dream, I'm wide awake the more I sleep..."

I don't know why but the louder and thrashier the music the calmer I feel. I cannot stand classical (although I could possibly be swayed...) maybe its because I feel that calm music is telling me "this is how you sould be feeling, peaceful and serene..." which I physically cannot do. It's when I do occasionally feel that, I get a little scared. Iits strange but I like feeling busy and a bit all over the place. I probably contradict myself when I say that feeling busy helps me forget about how I feel when I say all the time that I need to distinguish between all the jumbles of thoughts and feelings. I mean these past few days (apart from the end of exams-hallefeckingluyah) I've been quite glad of the triple birthday that came up. It mean that I could fully concentrate on making their presents without having these distracing feelings upsetting/distracting me. And they worked so well! the presents I mean. I bought them each a champagne glass and etched "18" into the front so its a nice frosted effect, and painted their initals onto it too. It was awesome fun, and I really want to make more! I was thinking about maybe selling some to whoever is interested in ordering some but I'm not sure if anyone will be interested... I may put up some photos and see what kind of responce (if any) there will be. hmmm....

Well at least their party went smoothly. It was 80/90's themed in a football club so there was always a chance it could have gone wrong. The music was fab taking me right back to primary school disco's *sigh*... And I love it how the clipple ie me dance pretty much non-stop for the entire 4 hours. What can I say, fabby music leads to lots of crazy dancing, even if you do still have a cast wrapped around one leg... So, back home at 12, up at 6.30 >.< and yes, me being me, I did forget to take my contact lenses out, again... Things couldn't get any worse.

Scrap that thought. They probably could. Tis rock night tonight and I can't wait!! And the fact that two guys who have expressed alot of interest in me are also coming. Get me pissed then I can deal with this rationally... Well at least it will make it a little more interesting eh? And I'm glad that my two besties will be there too. They will meake sure I don't end up slapping a certain someone. It still makes me ill to the core and I hate that it still effects me and yet not him! Bleugh, recovery will take longer that expected I think. I'm not impressed...

Anyway I will leave you all be now and will be my sorry ass off the computer. Hope your all well!!


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